Shrine of Bab

    The writings of the Bab were voluminous (very lengthy and detailed), and the rapidity with which, without study or premeditation. He composed elaborate commentaries, profound expositions (intense explanation of an idea or theory) or eloquent prayers, was regarded as one of the proofs of His divine inspiration.

    The purport (intention) of His writings has been summarized as follows:-

        " Some of these (the Bab's writings) were commentaries on, and interpretations of, the verses of the Qur'an; some were prayers, homilies (a religious discourse which is intended primarily of spiritual intellectual instructions rather than doctrinal instruction), and hints of (the true significance of certain) passages; others were exhortations, admonitions (firm warning), dissertations (long essay) on the different branches of the doctrine of the Divine Unity..... encouragements to amendment of character, severance (disconnect) from worldly states, and dependence on the inspirations of God. But the essence and purport of his composition were the praises and descriptions of that Reality soon to appear which was his only object and aim, his darling and his desire. For he regarded his own appearance as that of a harbinger (a person who announces the signals of another) of good tidings, and considered his own real nature merely as a means for the manifestation of the greater perfections of that One. And indeed he ceased not from celebrating Him by night or day for a single instant, but used to signify to all his followers that they should expect His arising, in such wise that he declares in his writings: 'I am a letter out of that the most mighty book and a dewdrop from that limitless ocean, and when He shall appear, my true nature, my mysteries, riddles (strains) and intimations will become evident, and the embryo of this religion shall develop through the grades of its being and ascent (rise above), attain to the station of "the most comely (attractive) of forms" and become adorned with the robe (wrap) of "Blessed be God the Best of Creators!" '..... and so inflamed was he with His flame that commemoration of Him was the bright candle of his dark nights in the fortress of Mah-ku, and remembrance of Him was the best companions in the straits of the prison of Chihriq. Thereby he obtained spiritual enlargements; with His wine was he inebriated (intoxicated); and remembrance of Him did he rejoice." - A Traveller's Narrative (Episode of the Bab) 


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